Monday, January 24, 2011

Famous covers rendered in MS Paint...

For instance.... Rob Zombie's Hellbilly Deluxe album....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pink Floyd Box Set Interactive Promotion

A great interactive promotion for Pink Floyd's 14 cd box set. The packaging is demonstrated nicely. One by one, each disc rises out from the box, leading to a jukebox style browser of each album cover and sample track. You can flip the cover art around to see the art on the back and the track listings. Arrows appear to let you browse forward and back chronologically through each release of the box set. The iconic prism-separated light streams pulsate with each sample track. Sound cool? View the promotion here.

Beatles Album Covers Lego'd

Seven famous Beatles album covers recreated - Lego style. See them all at Bootlego Beatles.

Clowns are scary...even on an LP cover

There are two types of people in the world: those freaked out by clowns, and those who mock us. Perhaps by posting these old LP album covers I can begin to exercise the fears. So here they are - 4 freaky clown covers from the past. Their smiles are hiding all that big top evilness... and they're watching me... I just know they are.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Body Painted Pink Floyd Cover Designs

Brilliant...simply brilliant. (Click the image to view a larger version)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Are JPEGs the New Album Cover?

This is an article by Adrian Shaughnessy about the importantce of the printed album cover.

As downloading threatens to become the main distribution method for recorded music, it is widely believed that the album cover will be replaced by some new online format — perhaps animated — that will make CD packaging redundant. Well, I might be missing something, but I’ve found nothing in the digital arena that offers a viable alternative to a well-designed CD or vinyl album cover. Instead, I’ve discovered a grim-faced resistance movement amongst dozens of tiny record labels determined to hang onto physical packaging and expressive cover art, no matter what.
View full article here.

Top 10 Worst Album Covers (enter if you dare)

Who is this you ask? This is "Devastatin' Dave (The Turntable Slave)" He was #2 on the list. And for those of you who know me, I will not change my name to "Devastatin' Dave", but I may get the album.
View the complete list here.